Saturday, May 9, 2009

Kitchen Island Bar Lights

The lights for above the kitchen island bar finally came in to replace the track lights. They are Besa pendant lights. The globes are brown tan when turned off and amber when turned on.




Picture of some of the red-spotted toads I'm rearing in the fountain. I have to ensure the survival of my toads so I'll have them calling at night.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Fireplace Column Mounted TV

I mounted a Samsung 37" LCD TV on the side of the firplace column that faces the kitchen and recliner sitting area. It is on a cantilever arm mount so it can be pulled out from the wall and turned to face the kitchen or the recliners directly. I built the floating shelf below it to hold a Mac Mini so we can use it as a computer monitor. The black cable danging on the right goes to an external hard drive I attached to the USB port temporarily when I was watching a movie (forgot to remove it before the picture). I can play mpeg 4 movies directly from a USB drive (Pretty cool since I had already converted several movies to MP4 to play on the iPhone). The slideshows off of USB drives are also nice - who needs a tiny digital picture frame now!

(The screen is displaying Jim's Mathematica website stuff from the Mac Mini.)